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Summary of Fees
Certification Board
Code of Ethics


The National Council for Certified Personal Trainers (NCCPT) has been supplying the fitness industry with certified fitness professionals for over twenty years! To get certified, students must achieve a passing score on the NCCA-accredited NCCPT certification exam. Certifications are valid for two years. During that time, certificants must obtain continuing education units (CEUs) and pay a renewal fee in order to remain certified. The NCCPT NCCA-accredited certification is recognized at all the major health club chains in the United States and Canada.



Certified Personal Trainer Exam


Extension - Adds six months from the date of exam expiration


Exam Retake - Maximum three attempts within a 12-month period. Please review wait period policy between exam attempts. See NCCPT Exam Policies and Procedures.



Renewal - One certification


Renewal - Two or more certifications

$50 each

Late Renewal - Up to 30 days late

$25 additional fee

3rd Party CEU Petition Fee - All non-ISSA or NCCPT CEUs

$25 per course submitted

EXAM PROCTORING FEES - Paid directly to Prometric

Prometric Exam Proctor - Test delivery fee


Cancellation/Reschedule - 30 days or more before test date

No fee

Cancellation/Reschedule - 5-29 days before test date


Cancellation/Reschedule - Less than 5 days before test date, failure to appear for scheduled test, or arrival more than 30 minutes after the scheduled start time for the test (admission refused)

$79 (Full test delivery fee)


NCCPT Client smiling at computer.

The National Council for Certified Personal Trainers (NCCPT) is a subsidiary of ISSA. The NCCPT functions autonomously from the ISSA with regard to the establishment and refinement of all essential decisions governing the NCCPT certification programs. This includes but is not limited to, certification eligibility requirements, recertification requirements, disciplinary determinations, examination development, examination administration, examination scoring, and selection of subject matter experts. The NCCPT Certification Board (CB) has final decision-making authority over the complete examination development cycle, which includes practice analysis (i.e., job analysis or role delineation), exam content outline, item writing, item review, development of exam forms, standard setting (i.e., cut score study), exam administration, exam scoring, candidate score reporting, and data analysis and exam technical reports. The NCCPT shall function autonomously with respect to its credentialing criteria, policies and procedures, administration, time, place, and frequency of its meetings, election of officers and members, and all other lawful activities.

The NCCPT shall have no role in developing exam review materials, educational resources or conducting educational programs that may be used by candidates pursuing successful completion of the certification program.

The CB develops and administers the NCCPT certification programs. Policies and procedures that govern the CB may be found here.

Workout group smiling for a picture.


When you order any NCCPT (or NCCPT affiliate) educational or business program, you accept and agree to adhere to the NCCPT Code of Ethics. You hereby certify that the information given to NCCPT is true, complete and correct. You acknowledge that if any of this information is later determined to be false, NCCPT reserves the right to revoke any certification or certificate that has been granted by the NCCPT or any of its affiliates. You further acknowledge that NCCPT certification or certificate does not certify or in any way guarantee the quality of your work as an NCCPT-certified professional. You therefore agree to indemnify and hold harmless NCCPT, its officers, directors and staff from any claims due to negligent acts, omissions, or faulty advice that you may give to clients as a NCCPT certified professional. You further recognize that NCCPT is not responsible for any actions or damages incurred or taken by any person arising out of your work, intentions or actions as a NCCPT certified professional.

As an NCCPT Certified Fitness Professional you must recognize the importance of a set standard and scope of professional and ethical conduct in providing training services to clientele and the general public. Professional and ethical concerns or issues arise when professionalism and ethics are either not known or not fully understood. The NCCPT Code of Ethics represents a professional standard that must be upheld at all times when performing the duties of a fitness professional.


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